WORK RELATED CONFLICT MEDIATION Coworker driving you crazy? Worried about giving a performance review? Is the whole department picking at each other? Mediators can help guide a conversation, large group facilitation, or provide an interactive conflict awareness workshop to change the work environment.
NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR CONFLICT MEDIATION Everyone wants to come home to their own castle and do their own thing. Sometimes, however, one neighbor’s idea of bliss causes another neighbor feeling less than neighborly.
PARENTING / FAMILY CONFLICT MEDIATION Trained facilitators help eliminate power imbalances and confrontational environments during IEP conferences by assuring that each participant is heard and understood.
FAMILY REUNIFICATION MEDIATION Make plans with a loved one before coming home from incarceration, sober living house, or other places that have kept you apart. Start building bridges of understanding and parameters before you are in the midst.
TENANT / LANDLORD MEDIATION Before going to Court, try mediation to resolve your disputes.